
Ode to Kate Winslet

Emma might appreciate this.

My room mate and I decided to have an old fashion Tuesday girls night complete with chick flick (backstory to this: Tuesday used to be our pole dancing class night wherein afterwards us girls would go out for dinner and just BS). So on tonight's menu was dinner at Murphy's then pick up a chick flick. Knowing me, of course, I very rarely peruse the chick flick department. In any case, we rented The Holiday. I won't get into a long review on it because quite frankly... it's not very good (shocking, I know) and I don't feel like getting into what would make it better because, more shockingly, it wasn't THAT bad.

On with my initial intent. Something didn't sit right (besides Cameron Diaz's painful acting) and it was Kate Winslet. This actually hit me early in the film and it wasn't so much a "What the hell is she doing in this picture?" it was more like "IS she really in this movie? Has she EVER ever been in a rom/com?"

So, no secret: I have a non-sexual crush on Kate Winslet (she falls in the same category with Salma Hayek and Gillian Anderson) so seeing her in The Holiday was unsettling - not that I love everything's she's been in nor did she suck in this particular film. It was just unsettling. And if I may take a moment to praise my non-sexual crush: Kate Winslet is eloquent, graceful and gorgeous. Yes, even in Titanic.

Perhaps I'm just used to seeing her in films where she recites Shakespeare sonnets or plays an eccentric woman who erases the memory of her boyfriend or a girl who along with her lesbian girlfriend take said lesbian girlfriend's mom into the woods and beat her skull in with a giant rock.

It's all frightfully romantic.

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