
Feeling creative lately?

So I recently caught the old sewing bug (I used to sew a lot when I was a kid - damn those sweat shops*). I would make my own clothes and such and gained a sense of accomplishment when I was done. I also enjoyed taking old clothes and making them fresh and flattering again.

Like all things, I outgrew them only to inevitably jump back on ye olde horse many moon down the road.

A friend forwarded me this link to ThreadBanger - a blog dedicated to creating new and excited things (not necessarily clothing) out of used, old, recycled items.



*Yes, I was joking. Calm down.


My common phrases for things I don't like

"I don't care for..."
"I can do without..."
"I'm not a fan of..."
"I'm going to have to say 'no' to..."

My phrase for something I like:
"That does not suck."