
Once upon a time...

There was a girl named karaoke-catgirl and she had a live journal.

I came across it, having remembered the URL, and quite frankly I couldn't bare to read it. I started it when I moved to Toronto - January 2004. I was against having a live journal for some time as I objected to some of the personal stuff Ryan would post but thought I'd keep one while I was away.

Little did I know I'd be gone for a long while.

Looking back into this window to the past, I see a girl lost, full of emotions, trying to be something, stuggling. She is sad, pathetic and depressed. She is gulity for having moments of happiness or giddiness. She is unhealthy, troubled and torn. She hurt someone she loved very much. Selfish, stupid girl.

So who am I now? I'm a woman who is happy with herself, happy with her surroundings. Yes, I'm single but I'm far from lonely. Life isn't perfect; it just is and I love it. I love. What a difference two years can make. And from upon starting that old live journal to continuing this blog, I am also at least 10 pairs of shoes richer. Thank you to my wonderful friends and my loving family for being there - well not for the shoes; that was all me!

Take care. I'll see you all later! Well except you, karaoke-catgirl. Your song is over :)

Just letting you know, this will be a rare instance where I post a personal post. Not that there's anything wrong with it - I just figured those who are really close and dear to me, I will feel free to open up and bear my heart and soul to. But seeing as this was reflecting on an old live journal, I thought it oddly fitting.

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